Monday 9 July 2012

26 May Kent (Seattle) - Los Angeles

Up early to finish packing up our stuff, then off to the storage yard (Sharon's RV Storage) where we started this epic adventure.  We got to Sharron's and got the new cover for the RV.  Sharon asked us to move the RV to another spot as the spot we had taken the ole girl from was taken by a caravan.  Ros set about finalising the packing & Steve started unrolling the new cover. We both ended up working on the tarp as it had been wrapped up inside out & took a little while to work out.  We got the rest of the packing up done, which consists of winterising the water systems, adding fuel additives (for storage), disconnecting batteries & setting up solar panels etc.  After all this we were starting to get short on time for the shuttle pickup and we still had to finish off tying down the cover, but we got it all done.  Tying down means throwing ropes over the cover in a few places and crawling under the RV to get the ropes right around.  Steve was glad of the site change as the other site had a few small blackberry plants he'd have had to crawl through to get the ropes around.  All done and the shuttle was there.  We locked her up, said our farewells to the ole girl and set off to the airport (SEATAC).
We got there in plenty of time and boarded.  2 hours & 30 minutes later we landed in LA international airport (LAX).  We had arranged a town car to pick us up (a bit of a treat and comfort).  The town car turned out to be an extended Lincoln and very comfortable indeed.  It was also a much quicker trip than the shuttle due to not dropping of others.  The driver gave us some tips on places to go and look at.  We got dropped off at  our accommodation, the Grafton on Sunset Boulevard and it turned out to be a great choice, not only for the accommodation but also being right in the centre of West Hollywood and all of its attractions.  We checked in and dropped off our luggage.  We then went out for a walk to see where we were and stretch our legs.
We have a night here and then all day tomorrow as our flight home doesn’t leave until 12:15am (such a wonderful time to be at an airport... NOT :))
On our walk we found a great sushi restaurant and had dinner there. It overlooked Sunset Blvd and we had some great views over the LA city skyline. 

Afterwards we went for a short walk to work off dinner and found ourselves in a well to do area.  The security signs stated that security response would be armed.  On Sunset Boulevard we found that a TV cooking show of some sort was being filmed at Mel's Drive in Diner.  Trucks, generators, sound & camera equipment was everywhere.

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