Sunday 26 May 2013

26 May – Seattle

We had set the alarm set to wake us at 9am so we were shocked to find that we’d woken at 10:30am.  The alarm was set but not turned on.

 We decided to go to the Museum of Flight, just 15 minutes away.  So glad we did.  It was very interesting.  They had everything relating to flight including a lot on space.  There were heaps of planes etc hanging from the roof and even more on the floor.  We saw the Lockheed M-21 spy plane with top speed notes as still classified, but a cruising speed of an amazing 2000km/hr. 

There was also a flying car that nearly made production.  Like the James Bond version, the wings folded up.

There was a display on space history, showing the events & craft leading up to the present.  They had the space shuttle training module that was used by the astronauts, including the shuttle space toilet.  The video about the toilet was most amusing as they talked about using it in space lingo ie they discussed how the men would have to use different apparatus to “dock” (yes they used the word” dock”) with the waste hose.  It was all Steve could do to stop from sniggering.  You could just imagine the conversation on board.  “Houston, I’m going to ‘dock’ with the toilet”  Oh dear, must be tired.  
The space "port"

Space shuttle payload bay with a booster rocket that lifts the payload higher into space.

We got to walk through one of the earlier Air Force One jets and also a Concord.  Both were quite fascinating.  The Presidential jet still had the holders for President Johnson’s Stetson hat & President Kennedy’s pipe.  
Air Force 1

The Concorde

The presidents conference room on Air Force 1

Interior of the Concorde

Being Memorial weekend, they also had a fully restored and flying B17 that was doing 30 minute flights.  So nearly went, but it was $475 each.  

We went through the WWI & WWII galleries.  Again, this was fascinating, showing the different fighters used & the people who flew them.  Including a section on the female pilots.  All in all, a great day and a nice way to just amble around getting over long flight.

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