Monday 21 May 2012

19 May - Seattle

Even though we went to bed at 7.30pm, we didn't wake up until lunchtime. Surprisingly, the campsite right along side us now had a caravan and a large dog, but we hadn't heard them arriving, so we must have been absolutely out like lights. So by the time we had showered and had lunch, it was getting too late to go into Seattle, so we drove to the shops for a couple of things we forgot, then back to the camp ground. We had to move to a non powered site, as all the powered ones were booked up for the weekend.

We went for a walk to the beach and back, through the forest along side a stream. It was lovely. The forest here is incredibly green - they have an awful lot of rain over winter apparently. The beach was the shore of Puget Sound, so we could see an island in the distance. The beach sand was very dark and there was lots of driftwood washed up, so it looks like they get heavy storms. Funnily, there were no seagulls, but lots of crows raiding the rubbish tins. 

On the way back, we saw this little mouse like critter eating an apple peel on the path. It had big paws and a kind of flattish pointy nose, a bit like a vole. It scurried away, but we stood really still and it came back. Steve took some photos of it, then reached out and stroked it's back. It was so intent on gobbling the apple that it stayed put. Eventually though it got sick of the camera in it's face and dragged the apple into the bushes.

Another BBQ for dinner - the weather is good , so we are making the most of it.

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