Tuesday 29 May 2012

29 May - Cannon Beach

As we were staying here again tonight, we had a lazy start although Steve went for a 20 minute run along the beach front just to blow the cobwebs out (Oh yeah… for Justin & Sharnie… I have been keeping up with my push-ups & and sit-ups etc & I’m up to 35 J).
We decided to go and have brunch out so we donned our helmets, mounted up on the scooter and headed off to the Pig N Pancakes this morning (just for a change).  We both had Bacon & eggs with pancakes on the side.  Ros had blueberry pancakes while Steve had pecan nut pancakes.  A very nice filling brunch.
Having had a largish meal we parked up the scooter and walked off the excess calories around the beach front looking in the shops etc.  We found a very interesting shop, the Cannon Beach Treasure Company, that had all sorts of coins, trinkets and treasures that this couple had actually gone treasure hunting for.  There were mostly Spanish, Chinese, English coins dating from the early 1500’s to the 1700’s.  We also found some Roman and Celtic coins dating back to 200BC.  There was also a lot of the treasures made into jewellery as well.
After a walking the rest of the main street and having a quick coffee, we mounted up on the scooter again and headed to Haystack Rock (only a few minutes ride south).  

It was low tide and there was bird and sea life abounding.  In the rock pools at the base of Haystack rock there was lots of sea anemones, starfish, all sorts of shelled bivalves & little fish (gee I’m sounding a bit like a David Attenborough documentary…. “and over here you will see the rare, purple-spotted thingamybob…..”).  Needless to say it was great to take in.  There was also a Bald Eagle on the rock being harassed by seagulls.

The scenery along the beach is simply spectacular.  At low tide it must be at least 300m – 400m wide.  The foreshore dunes are lined with houses, which is interesting as there sign all along the main street indicating tsunami evacuation routes and that this is a tsunami zone (don’t reckon they are covered for floods in their insurance).  They have a fantastic view of the Pacific Ocean though we must say.  

We scooted a little further south, more of the same, then headed back to the RV (pronounced Aarrrr Veeee over here LOL) to carry out some domestic duties ie laundry (we have to make the most of being in an RV park & use the laundry facilities J).  Spent the afternoon relaxing and reading.
Dinner time and we mounted up on the trusty ole scooter again and went to Wayferers. We got a window table with a lovely view of the ocean. The food was good – we had Dungeness crab cakes and north west steamer clams in garlic broth for entrĂ©e and pinot noir salmon and walnut crusted rex sole for mains. We finished with a shared chocolate layered cake / fudge / mousse.

We finished with a walk on the beach and some more photos, then back to the RV.

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys was that a crusted rex sole or a crusty sex roll for after dinner?
    Mum says the American bird book is on the pasanger side door, check out the Puffins etc.
