Saturday 10 May 2014

10 May – Hot Springs – Denver

On the road again for a long drive across Nebraska to Colorado. We headed south from Hot Springs. The rolling plains alternated between light forest, green farmlands and the yellower prairie grasslands. 

We stopped at “Carhenge” for lunch. It defies description really, it’s a mix of modern art and a junkyard. Certainly different! We walked around the “exhibits” to have a leg stretch.

All the way across Nebraska and not a Starbucks to be seen. We would have settled for just about any coffee, but seems Nebraska doesn’t do coffee. Sad.
Something Nebraska and this part of Colorado does do is cattle feedlots. Big yards where they fatten the cattle up and clearly don’t clean up after them. Driving past on the highway was like inhaling a giant ammonia cloud even with vents and windows closed. Eewww. It hangs around for a few kms after you go past too.
Lots of trains in this part of the world, mainly carrying coal. We counted 115 trucks on one train, with 2 engines at each end.

Miles of highway later we arrived on the outskirts of Denver. We found an RV park, but got the trifecta – the highway, the railway and the airport! 

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