Monday 5 May 2014

5 May – Laramie to Rapid City

We headed into Deadwood after breakfast and to the Back to 76 Museum. The town was started in 1876 during the gold rush. The museum is devoted to their “back to 76” celebration that seems to be an annual event. Sounds fun. They have a rodeo and re-enactments of all the notable events, like the shooting of Wild Bill Hickock outside one of the saloons. In the basement they had a large collection of wagons and stagecoaches (over 130) that they use in the parade.

Leaving Deadwood, we drove to Lead (pronounced LEED) to look at the formerly most productive gold mine in the world. It shut when the bottom fell out of the gold market after operating for 125 years continuously as a combo of open cut and shaft mining. The shafts go down to 8000ft. We took pics of the open cut hole – it’s pretty deep! 

Not much else happening in either Deadwood or Lead, but apparently they come to life after Memorial Day (in May?). It’s still a bit snowy here.
Leaving Lead we drove about 70ks to the Geographical Centre of the USA. Nothing actually there (the monument is in the nearest town) but we stopped and took a pic anyway. 

We thought there might be a flagpole or something, but no…. Given there was stuff all to do…we had lunch on the side of the road. The plains are flat for as far as the eye can see.

We then made tracks for Rapid City and an RV resort just out of town and close to Mt Rushmore. Heading there tomorrow!

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