Sunday, 17 September 2023

17 September 2023. We are BACK! Jackson, Georgia

 After the last couple of days R&R and de-jetlagging, we headed out to Dauset Park and Indian Springs. Dauset Park is an animal refuge and had bears, bison, deer, racoons, eagles and owls. There were turtles in the lake who enjoyed having pellets dropped in for them to snack on – if they could beat the fish to them. The bears were chilling out in the sun, and the racoons were begging for food. There were some bits of bread almost within paw reach outside the cage, and Steve got a stick and nudged them closer. Their paws are like little hands, very flexible and “grabby”.

After a walk around the park, we headed to Indian Springs. The springs apparently have healing powers. It was a tad disappointing as the spring now comes out of a white plastic pipe and there was a big queue of people with empty bottles filling them with water. The flow was quite low so it was taking a while. There really wasn’t any point trying to get close to the spring. In any case, there was lots else to see. Indian Springs is the oldest State Park in Georgia, with lovely old stone buildings constructed by the parks service during the depression. The town is quaint, with antiques shops, a church, a museum and a couple of cafes. We had lunch and strolled around the shops.

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