Sunday 24 September 2023

23 September – Savannah

 We had an easy morning relaxing at the RV park. It’s quite pretty here, near the river (with signs warning of alligators). It’s back from the main road so very quiet. There are lots of resident squirrels scampering about the place – cute little things!

We decided to head to Fort Jackson for the afternoon, so we got the scooter out and braved the heat. Fort Jackson was constructed in 1808 as part of the coastal defences of Savannah. It lasted through the War of 1812, and the American Civil War in 1861. It was abandoned in 1905 as it was no longer any match for more modern artillery fire, and it stayed derelict until 1965 when it was a Maritime museum for a while, then its current form as a heritage society site. 

It was interesting to wander around as the masonry parts are well preserved. All the wooden structures are long gone, but there are foundations that show where they once were. It was HOT at the site, and the most common causes of death amongst the soldiers there were heatstroke, dehydration, and malaria. We were not surprised.

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