Tuesday 19 September 2023

19 September Jackson – Savannah

 We had an eventful morning getting the T-Mobile phone and WiFi set up, everything connected in the RV, and our final packing done. We left Jackson after lunch for a leisurely drive to Savannah. The leafy green Georgia backroads were winding and picturesque, and we drove them for a few miles before merging onto the interstate highway system.

The interstates were a bit of a battle in a new RV. The new one is a bit wider and much longer than the old one, so we were very aware of trucks in lanes alongside. The highway driving was quick – 70mph – and we took around 3 hours to get to Savannah.

We are parked up in a quiet RV park about 20 minutes out from town. It took us a bit to get set up and unpacked, as we are familiarising ourselves with the vehicle. But we are done, settled, fed, and kicking back and relaxing.

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