Monday 2 October 2023

1 October – Charleston

 Today was our last day in Charleston, and we headed into town for a final look around. After a wander through the streets, we had a delicious lunch, then visited the Provost and Dungeons. The building was the original Customs House, and with over 100 ships arriving and departing each day, it was a busy place back in the day. It was used as a lock-up for prisoners for a while, hence the name, before becoming a post office and finally a museum.

We then had a quick look at the old slave market. It is closed on Sundays but still worth visiting. It was very sobering to consider the tens of thousands of people who were bought and sold like cattle. 40 percent of the enslaved people in the US passed through Charleston.

We walked by the waterside park, saw the Pineapple Fountain, and discovered Carriage Lane where the horse and carriage ride horses are stabled.

Then back to the RV for dinner and prep for the move to Asheville tomorrow.

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