Sunday 8 October 2023

8 October – Pigeon Forge

 We had a long drive today. Mick and Matilda rode their Harley and we drove their Dodge Ram. The little bike doesn’t cut it for rides over an hour.

Out over Newfound Gap to Cherokee for a quick lunch stop, then along the Blue Ridge Parkway. 

The Parkway follows the ridge tops of the range, with stunning views of the mountains, valleys and forest. We didn’t have time to do the return trip, as Mick and Matilda had to head home, so we short cut back via back roads and minor highways, Lots to see on the way.

Coming back into Pigeon Forge we noticed that the Xmas decorations are out – and its only early October!

We farewelled M&M until we see them again in a few days back in Jackson. We helped them pack the Harley onto the bike trailer, and they headed off. We are going to miss the Ram, it’s a great vehicle to drive.

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