Saturday 7 October 2023

6 October – Pigeon Forge

 Today was forecast to be wet, so we took Mick’s ute into Pigeon Forge for lunch at the Hard Rock Café, then we went for a drive in the mountains above Gatlinburg. 

We saw bears! We saw 2 on the side of the road eating, then a bit further on we hopped out of the car to look at a historic log cabin and barn. There are around 80 old homesteads in the Smoky Mountains National Park. When we turned back towards the car park there was a mum and her 2 cubs walking down the hill past us. It was a bit nervy having a nursing mother bear between us and the car as they get very protective of their cubs. We stayed still and they ambled on past and down the track. We made sure to make lots of noise walking back!

The rest of the drive was uneventful. We saw a turkey on the roadside, and stopped at another historic homestead (no bears at that one!) and got some photos of creeks and the surrounding trees.

We stopped in Gatlinburg for moonshine tasting at Sugarlands. There were 13 flavours in the tasting, ranging from blackberry to peanut butter. There was an apple pie flavour that tastes like apples when you drink it and caramel when you breathe out after it goes down. Dinner was at Bubba Gumps Shrimp Factory. The rain finally arrived and looks set in for the night.

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