Sunday 13 April 2014

12 April Hobart – Vegas

Up at 4am to get ready to go to the airport. At 4.30 we got a text from Qantas asking us to call them – turned out our Hobart/Melbourne flight had been delayed 1.5 hours, which meant we would miss the overseas connection at Melbourne. Luckily they were able to rebook us from Hobart to Sydney and then to LA, and meant that we didn’t leave Hobart til 9.15.
After a fairly uneventful flight we arrived in LA at about 9.30am (still on Saturday), got a shuttle bus to pick up our friends Eddie and Fiona and on to the RV in Santa Clarita.

The dear ole RV had lost its cover in high winds, and a window had been left open so everything was coated in dust. Although it was lunchtime at this point, we decided to make the run through to Vegas and hit the highway.  We stopped off in Santa Clarita to do our grocery shop.
A quick stop at Peggy Sues Diner at the half way point for a milkshake and a slice of cherry pie, then Eddie took over driving for his first crack at driving on the wrong side of the road. He did well!

We got into Vegas after 10pm and after dinner and unpacking we all hit the sack at around midnight.


  1. Well at least there weren't mice inhabiting the air filter!!!

    Don't you just LOVE those American roadside diners? Menus not too good for one's arteries, but then if you are scoffing down pie & milkshake, you obviously aren't worried about such issues (yet) :)

    Breakfasts at such "greasy spoons", listening to and people watching the locals, is a favourite part of our road trips.

  2. We were tired and sugar seemed a sensible option at the time!
