Saturday 19 April 2014

19 April – Tuba City – Page

Up this morning to get on the road again. Nothing to see around Tuba City. After uploading the blogs in the hotel lobby, we were away. The scenery was again pretty spectacular on the road to Page, Arizona. 

 Arriving at Page at around 11 o'clock we think. Its hard to tell, because daylight savings is optional in Arizona. The lady at the check in told us that Page doesn’t observe daylight savings, but the Navajo reservation a few miles away does. That explained why Tuba City was an hour ahead of the other towns we had been through in AZ.
We parked up and had a bit of a chill out for a couple of hours, then headed off to Horseshoe Bend. It is the most photographed place on the Colorado River. After a short drive and a 1.2k hike through the desert – it’s hard walking on sand! – we reached the edge of the canyon and looked 1000ft straight down to the river. The view takes your breath away. The river is green and winds its way around an enormous outcrop of rock, making a 270 degree turn through the red rock canyon. What a sight!

There were lots of people, and some getting right up to the edge and leaning over to take pics (Eddie!). We stayed for ages getting pics and just soaking up the view.

Heading back into town, we went to the Glen Canyon dam and visitor centre for a look around. Back to the RV park for a swim and a hot tub, then dinner.


  1. Just nothing in the world like that Grand Canyon scenery!
    You just don't want to walk away.
    Great pics.

  2. Now that road IS flat !!!!!!

    Ive been on some flat roads in the Canadian prairies, but nothing like that!

    Its like the joke says - you can watch your dog run away for three days.
