Wednesday 23 April 2014

22 April – Monument Valley – Durango

Headed out of Monument Valley. Very awesome scenery. 

We stopped at the place on the highway that Forrest Gump was filmed (Run, Forrest, Run!) for some pics and a bit of fooling about running up the road channelling Tom Hanks.

Lots of desert later, we pulled into the Four Corners National Monument. 

It’s the only place where 4 states intersect, so you can stand in 4 states at once. There are flags flying and a bit of a big deal made of the place. The Navajo Nation charged us $5 each to get in, so we made the most of it. We also did a bit of souvenir shopping for the kids.

We had all had rather enough of the desert. It was really blowy and the dust was hanging in the air quite thickly making it hard to see anything in the distance and sand was blowing across the road. Given we had driven 4 states in one day (Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado) we were quite happy to head into the Rockies to Durango. We arrived late afternoon and once we had checked into an RV park, we went to dinner at the Diamond Belle Saloon in town. The waitress was dressed like a saloon girl, the food was great and there was an old guy playing guitar and singing. Good ole Western entertainment.

1 comment:

  1. Well I can understand getting tired of the desert dry and brown. But those rock formations sure are nice.
