Friday 25 April 2014

25 April – Durango – Gunnison

After a relaxed breakfast, we headed out on the “million dollar highway” over the mountains. We stopped on the way to view a hot spring that was obviously very minerally as it had built up a beehive shaped cone of what looked like limestone deposit.  

The view from the highway is indeed a million dollar view. Aspen forests giving way to spruce and fir with the amazing snow covered peaks behind as a backdrop.

Arriving at Silverton we stopped for a coffee and to soak up the views. 

Moving on, we passed derelict silver mines and hunter’s cabins in the trees. We went over several mountain passes at over 10,000 ft and then down into Ouray. Ouray is a lovely little town nestled in a glacial valley in the mountains. 

First stop was the hot mineral springs for a long soak while looking at the stunning mountain views. Sadly, we eventually got really pruney and had to get out. 

We then went to Mouses Chocolate for hot drinks. Ros had a hot apple cider with whipped cream that tasted just like apple pie and Steve had a super coffee with 4 shots of espresso, vanilla and cream. Eddie and Fee had icecream and milkshakes.

Unfortunately the RV parks at Ouray were shut for maintenance, so we pushed on to a place called Mesa RV at Gunnison. Quite a nice drive along the bank of a big reservoir and we saw deer. We all had a kickboxing workout, laundry and dinner.


  1. This scenery is more like our Canadain west coast Rockies, as well as what you will find in the more northern US states.

    After all the preceding desert, how did you like finding snow on the ground?
    Even we snow bound Canadians enjoy finding snow at elevation in the summer.

    Hows 'bout some photos of those kickboxing workouts :).
    We'll believe it when we see it. :)

    1. Did we neglect to tell you that Steve is a black belt and Ros is a green belt with 2 brown tips in Australian Freestyle Kickboxing? :)
