Saturday 19 September 2015

19 September – LA – Albuquerque

Back to the airport and this time navigating the domestic terminal for an American Eagle flight. LAX is being upgraded so we had to be bussed to a terminal over the other side of the precinct. It is a very efficient system, with line markings and intersections taking us weaving in and out of the incoming and outgoing flights. Everyone obviously follows the rules (or the accidents would be catastrophic) but it was very strange getting to an intersection and having a 737 stop and give way to our bus! Equally as strange to have a plane taxi-ing alongside us and keeping pace with the bus until the pilot gunned it for take-off.

Again, another uneventful flight (just the way we like them!) into Albuquerque. It was a Canadair 50 seat plane and flew at quite a low altitude so we got to look out of the window at the scenery. The desert is quite pretty from the air, with different coloured sands – reds, pinks, yellows and blacks. Albuquerque airport is nice and tidy – new and well looked after. We caught a taxi to the RV storage place to find the van. Amazingly, despite not being driven in months, the engine turned over on the first try. 

We headed for the nearest Walmart for groceries, then onto American RV park which will be our base here for a couple of days. We collected brochures for all the local attractions and have decided what to do tomorrow. The RV park is very pleasant, with a pool. The owners are great and have made us feel very welcome.

The weather is lovely, nice and warm, but not crazy hot like Vegas can be.
We are about to do dinner and an early night!

To see our location, click the link below.,-106.79692&ll=35.05879,-106.79692&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1

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