Saturday 26 September 2015

26 September – Ojo Caliente to Trinidad

We were on the road early to head to Colorado. As we drove north from Ojo Caliente, we saw lots of locals picking something from the roadside conifer forests. Maybe some kind of pine nuts. We travelled through the New Mexico adobe towns and as we headed into the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, the scenery changed suddenly to forests. 

A mix of conifers and deciduous trees that are turning an iridescent yellow with the fall colours. The houses also changed from the red and pink adobe flat roof houses to log cabins with steep pitched roof lines.

As we continued to climb into the mountains, we drove through the Angel Fire ski resort at around 8500 feet, adjacent to New Mexico’s highest peak (13161ft – 4000 meters, or 4km).
The road finally descended to the plains as we followed the historic Santa Fe trail north. We took a detour to see the Capulin Volcano, an ancient cinder cone that pretty much goes straight up 1300 ft from the plain to top out at 8200 ft. 

It was a steep drive up around the volcano in a spiral to the car park at the rim. We hiked the rim trail and were rewarded with 360 degree views. On a clear day you can see 5 states – New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado and Arizona. It was just amazing to see just how far you can see across the plains.

Leaving Capulin we headed north again and are camped up at Trinidad, just over the Colorado border.

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