Monday 21 September 2015

21 September – Albuquerque to Santa Fe

After waking up (still a little tired from waking up at Aussie morning time during the night LOL), we partook in the RV park’s complimentary, continental brekkie and Steve finally got to try an American Bagel and coffee. On the way back to the RV we passed some people who really take their tow vehicle seriously.

After heading to Camping World to book the RV in for a check over when we are back in Albuquerque, we headed for Santa Fe along the Turquoise Trail. Starting in Tijeras the trail is a scenic byway that loops through the mountains and past little towns, some of which were ghost towns for many years after the mining stopped, and have been recently revived as artists’ communities. 

We stopped for a lunch break in the quirky town of Madrid (featured in the movie ‘Wild Hogs’). 

The town is a main street of colourful painted houses, most of which are now art galleries and jewellery shops. Parking the RV was problematic, but we were allowed to park alongside a jewellery shop and we bought some gifts and trinkets for Ros, Alysha and Kurumi. 

We walked up the street looking at the different shops etc, mostly art, jewellery & clothes.  The buildings were interesting, one in particular was fairly dilapidated but looked like someone was still living in it! 

We stopped at an old style soda shop and shared a banana milk shake. Glad we shared as we were both full from it. Next door was an amazing art gallery where the artist makes handcrafted glass chandeliers. Incredible colours and shapes.

On we went making our way to Santa Fe for the night. Something we noticed as we got closer to Santa Fe were the number of houses. Very spread out, so obviously on large allotments, most of them were reminiscent of Tatooine from Star Wars and we could definitely see where George Lucas got his inspiration from!  

We arrived in Santa Fe around 4pm so went directly to an RV park. Exploring Santa Fe will wait til the morning.

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