Friday 12 April 2019

12 April 2019 – Memphis – the start of our 2019 trip

After a really long haul (about 34 hours in transit) we arrived at the Peabody Hotel last night, ate room service and crashed into bed. Up this morning at the reasonable hour of 8.30 am for a leisurely breakfast  - omelettes, coffee and juice. We checked out at 10 and got a cab to the storage yard. The RV was waiting for us, a bit dusty, but in good shape. We had her looked over by Town & Country RV a day or two ago, so she was ready to go, batteries charged.

Steve got the outside ready and Ros checked over the inside. We were missing both the GPS devices, and with no cell phone yet we had no navigation. We spent an hour or so turning the van inside out until we decided they were actually missing, not just put somewhere odd. The kind people at the storage yard desk called us a cab, and we followed him to a Walmart Super Store where we were able to get a new Garmin and stock up on groceries. Ros even got a pot plant for the kitchen bench to brighten the place up and give us mint sprigs for drinks. Then we headed to Graceland to check in to the RV park and get settled.

It took us most of the day to get all that done, unpacked, and the van cleaned. Tomorrow we have to get a sim card for the phone and look into WiFi hotspot devices. We’ve still got to decide where we go from here – we are planning on Tennessee, Kentucky and maybe some other states if we get time.

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