Sunday 28 April 2019

27 April Frankfort

We had a quiet morning – laundry and RV maintenance tasks. The bathroom sink was cracked so Steve pulled off the surround and siliconed it up. He also discovered that under the sink is where the fresh water tanks are. Learning something new about the RV every trip!  

In the afternoon we got the scooter off and headed into Frankfort to look around. They’ve got a quaint historic district and we parked at the State Capitol Building. The tours had finished for the day, but we walked around the outside and took a look at Frankfort’s famous floral clock. Frankfort is the state capital, but only has around 27,000 people.

We also stopped in at the Governor’s residence, also closed to tours, but has a very pretty garden.

The rain started so we headed back to the RV park where we had a great chat to the ladies on the reception desk. They loved our accents and wanted to keep chatting. 😊
We’ve decided to base here for a few days and go out on day trips. It seems all the accommodation is booked up because of the Kentucky Derby festival so we figured we should stay put, even if it is a bit of a drive to the attractions we want to see. The park is quiet (except for the resident geese in the morning) and the people here are lovely.

Evening spent reading and listening to the rain falling gently on the roof.

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