Monday 15 April 2019

15 April – Memphis – Nashville

Before we hit the road we took the RV in for a check over and oil top up by Jiffy Lube. As we go there regularly it was free (bonus!). 

With the old gal getting the all good to go, we drove out of Memphis for the four hour trip to Nashville. We stayed on the Interstate as it wound its way across the beautiful green countryside. The trees are in leaf, with some of them with blossoms still adorning the branches, peeking through the greenery with flashes of white or pink. Steve spotted two armadillos on the side of the road (sadly they were dead) and a large furry animal - we can’t figure out what it was. Beaver? Very large rat? Swamp monster?

Nashville is very organised to drive in – the highways go in, circle the CBD, then head out again.

Our RV park is pretty basic. Just water, power and sewer. No internet. Also right on the crossroads of some pretty major roads, and the traffic is loud. We will need the white noise app running tonight!

We have made plans to get a cab into the visitor’s centre tomorrow. Apparently parking is very expensive and hard to find as there is a lot on, including pre-season tryouts for the NFL which sounds like it is pretty important.

Click the link below to see where we are located. 

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