Monday 22 April 2019

22 April – Chattanooga

We headed off for the day on the scooter. Riding up Lookout Mountain was lovely, lots of green trees forming a tunnel of foliage, with glimpses of the view as we headed up. First stop was Ruby Falls. The cave system itself was very disappointing, as there is a strong commercialism about it and lack of care for the actual cave itself. We were given pennies to throw into the pools, there was considerable damage to the cave from people touching it, and there were many groups in the caves at once, necessitating leaning on and bumping against the cave walls as groups passed each other on the narrow trails. The groups are large and only the first 10 or so people can hear the commentary from the guide. There were a couple of spots where there was recorded commentary, but the guide talked long and loud over it, so it was impossible to hear. As far as caves are concerned, Raccoon Mountain was streets ahead, in care for the cave and also the knowledge of the guides. The falls themselves were worth the trip, 1126 feet underground and a river falls from the ceiling of a chamber high above, cascading into a pool at the base. It is the tallest and deepest underground falls in the US (open to the public).

After Ruby Falls, we headed further up the mountain to Rock City. Rock City was a private garden opened to the public in 1932. The path winds through the gardens, taking in arched stone bridges, narrow passages between vast rocks, gnome statues hidden in little nooks, and stunning views from the summit. 

There is a lookout where it is claimed you can see 7 states. 

There is also a fairyland cave, with montages of well known fairy tales. Lots of fun, and a lovely way to spend a hot afternoon. 

The scooter ride back was a nice way to cool off a bit too.

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