Monday 10 June 2013

10 June – Willits to Napa

Off to Napa this morning! We travelled the scenic route along a lake. It is quite sad to see how badly the economic downturn has affected the rural areas. So many shops and houses boarded up with “for sale” signs. 

The lake was pretty, and we travelled over a mountain range where we came around a corner to find a line of small flares along the centre line of the road. Around another corner and there was an accident, with the fire trucks and cops – looks like the emergency services people put out flares to warn of something ahead. Good idea! Into the Napa Valley and driving through the vineyards and lovely little towns. We resisted the temptation to stop and carried on to Napa and the RV Park. 

Parked up, got the scooter off and headed to the visitors centre for all the brochures etc. We bought a coffee and sat and read and planned our next few days. There are hundreds of wineries in the area so you have to be prepared! We are going to try for some wineries with tours and interesting wine / food pairings. Then back to the RV for some more strategizing and an early night. Big day tomorrow! We heard from the motorcyclist we rescued – broken collarbone, 3 broken ribs, punctured lung and concussion. He was transferred to a bigger hospital where they are doing tests on his heart to make sure he hasn’t damaged it. Poor guy.

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