Monday 24 June 2013

24 June – Desert Hot Springs – Oceanside

Up and keen to leave Desert Hot Springs. It was WAY too windy. Heading along the highway there were heaps of wind turbines. Hundreds of them, all different types. The wind was just insane! The fastest we could get the RV going into the headwind was 45 miles per hour. Once we crossed the mountains the wind suddenly stopped – thank goodness! The drive was uneventful, mostly on the major highway through the LA outskirts. We reached the coast at a place called Oceanside. We drove up the coast a bit past a Navy base where they were doing some sort of operations alongside the highway – lots of tanks. We ended up turning back and parking up at Oceanside RV Park, then got the scooter off and went for a ride around. Oceanside is quite pretty, the beach was nice, and we went to the harbour for a coffee in a little place overlooking the fishing boats. 

After that back along the beachfront, lots of people on bikes, walking dogs and just hanging out. Perfect weather for it! After dinner we went for a scoot down to the pier and a walk along it. 

It goes quite a way out, and there is a diner at the end called Ruby’s. Lots of people about, walking, running and lots of fishing off the pier. A guy had caught a 2 foot long stingray. On the beach there were firepits and groups BBQing and sitting round with guitars. Really nice way to end the day.

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