Thursday 20 June 2013

17 June – Bakersfield - Vegas

Up early (well… early when you’re holidays J) and we set of for Las Vegas.  Not a great deal to see in the Mojave Desert as it is mostly barren.  We did see some derailed train wagons (freight).  Must have happened a few days ago.  A few of the wagons were on their side and one or two were down an embankment with freight wreckage being gathered by work crews.  We also saw three fighter jets practicing… well whatever it is they practice.  This was close to the Edwards Airbase.  We went past a Borax Mine.  In general the drive is fairly boring with not a great deal to see.  There was a sign along the road side advertising 40 acres for sale.  There didn’t appear to be anything around for miles.
We stopped in Barstow for fuel & food supplies. Then on a little further and we stopped at Peggy Sues to have lunch.  Unfortunately it was at lunch time for they were quite busy and it was going to be a 20 minute wait just for a seat so we had lunch in the RV instead.
There was a long stretch of road (about 16 miles) that was on a slight incline and we were slowed down such that we had to join the truck lane and turn off the air con to make sure the van didn’t overheat.  Got really warm during this stretch.  The top of the pass was about 4730ft.

Almost on the Nevada border we passed by a huge solar array. It must have been producing power for the nearby casinos and resorts that were right on the border, for those who just couldn’t wait any longer to have a drink and a gamble.

We got to Vegas around 4pm and got ourselves set up at Sams Town Casino RV park.  Having travelled some 283 miles we decided that we didn’t feel too much like cooking so we went in and had dinner at a restaurant in Sam’s Town.  It was called Billy Bob’s Steak House (yes, you read correctly….Billy Bob’s steak house).

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