Tuesday 25 June 2013

25 June – Oceanside

Up this morning for a quick scooter ride to the pier for breakfast. It was a stunning day and the swimmers and surfers were already out even though it was still coolish. The pier had loads of people fishing from it. 

We walked to the end to Ruby’s Diner. It’s a lovely spot right on the end of the pier and a great retro diner – complete with cute pink and white striped uniforms for the waitresses. We ordered up eggs, bacon, turkey sausage and hot cakes with fresh orange juice and coffee. 

Breakfast was leisurely and ended up as brunch – lots of food so no chance we would be hungry again anytime soon. We watched swimmers swimming around the pier and back – it’s about 1/3 mile long. Apparently they are training for a long distance ocean swim. We had a lovely post brunch walk along the pier and the esplanade watching the kids surf camp, some young gridiron players practicing running drills and families enjoying the beach. There were several flocks of pelicans doing synchronised laps of the beach in formation and the navy hovercrafts absolutely belting along off shore. 

After that we scooted back to the RV for a lazy afternoon, with a soak in the resort hot tub before dinner. Following dinner we went back to the beach for another stroll. Very pretty with the lights. We found an information board that told us the movie “bring it on” was filmed on the beach here. Cool. On the way to the beach we had 2 embarrassing scooter moments. First someone wound down their window at the lights to tell us that the audible indicator was terrible and we should rip it out. Then we weren’t big enough for the traffic lights to “see” us and they stayed red until we were rescued by a guy on a real bike who pulled alongside. Pretty much straight away the lights changed.


  1. Nice to see that a MOTORCYCLE was able to do something positive for you :)

    What is the "audible indicator"?


  2. Dear Friends & Family of Ros & Steve,

    Looks like they MADE it - Survived the temptations of Vegas and will make it back home intact.

    Hope they have learned their lesson :)
