Monday 24 June 2013

22 June –Vegas

We were up and ready to hit the road in the Corvette, headed for the Valley of Fires. It’s about 70 miles North of Vegas on a major highway, so we were soon zipping along at 75 miles per hour (yes that’s the legal limit on the major interstate highways. About 130ks) We had to stop and put the top up though because at 75 we had to hold hats on. Once we turned off the interstate onto the Valley of Fires highway we put the top down again. Steve had a blast driving! The Valley of Fires was just beautiful. The highway winds around through some pretty ordinary muddy coloured hills, then all of a sudden the rocks and mountains turn to vivid reds, oranges, pinks and even purples. 

They are fossilised sand dunes. Just awesome! Sadly it was too hot for hiking (over 109 F / 44 C) and all the trails had big warning signs saying “HEAT WARNING - DO NOT HIKE”, but we got some stunning pics from the trail heads and car park areas. 

Sadly, the camera broke so we had to use the iphone. Really bummed. It just stopped working. One minute it was fine, then next there was no power. Ros drove back to the Interstate hwy, then passed back to Steve for the run back to Vegas. Once we were back in town it was time to cruise up and down the strip (don’t judge us, everyone in Vegas with a nice car does it!) until it was time to take the ‘Vette back. Sad faces…Then back to the RV Park for dinner and a movie at Samstown cinema. We saw Man of Steel. Meh. Started fairly well, then turned into lots of CGI mayhem.

1 comment:

  1. Valley of FIRE!!!!

    Steve, Steve, beware!
    Can't you see the veil Satan is casting over his planned destination for you and your Vegas Vette?

    Turn back NOW!!!!
