Friday 12 January 2018

12 January – Memphis

We woke to snow and ice, and temperatures around minus 6C. The water pipe was frozen solid and we realised that in our jet lagged states, we hadn’t pulled the pipes in or filled the on board water tanks (which wouldn’t have frozen). That means freezing cold walks to the public toilets / showers. NOT FUN. At least we have drinking water.

We had planned to see Graceland today, but Elvis has definitely left the building – Graceland was closed because of the weather. Nothing to do but to wait it out, with the furnace in the van blasting, hot cups of tea, and books.

It is FREEZING outside! Even the local critters are scampering along double quick so they don’t freeze to the ground. I know that this is a mild winters day for most of the US, but us Aussies are not equipped for it. The forecast tells us that it isn’t going to get above freezing until Monday. Damn you jet lagged people for not filling the tank! :)

Click the link below to see where I am located.

If the above link does not work, try this link:,-90.02804&ll=35.04816,-90.02804&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1 

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