Tuesday 16 January 2018

16 January – Tallahassee to Jacksonville

We started the day with a visit to the local shopping centre to buy a mobile phone and get connected. We bought one last trip, but it got mislaid. Then we stopped in for a grocery shop and a visit to “Outpost” – the outdoors shop. As per our expectations, it was completely over the top by Australian standards. Guns, rifles and handguns for sale over the counter, all manner of camouflage gear and even camo furniture for your shack if your decorating tastes run that way. Fun!

Uneventful drive to Jacksonville. Florida is lovely and warm, the RV park is by a lake, so we had a nice walk to stretch our legs when we got in. The sun was going down so made for some nice pics. We have booked our tickets to the rocket launch on Thursday night and looking forward to that. RV parks in Florida are pretty full, all the RVers take off for Florida and South Texas for the winter. Can’t blame them.

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