Monday 29 January 2018

25 January – Alexander Springs

In the morning we went down to the springs again for a hike. The Timucuan Trail is an interpretive hiking trail with regular information signs. Lots of interesting facts about the plants and how the native tribes used them for food, building, making baskets and even distilling liquor.

We saw (and heard) woodpeckers – they make a huge mess out of rotten trees, more turkey vultures, and assorted birds.

After lunch we drove about 40 minutes to Silver Glen Spring, which pumps 65 million gallons a day into Lake George. The spring was again, crystal clear with a white sandy bottom. The spring boil is in a small cove and we could see lots of large fish swimming around inside the boil. There are lots of mullet in the spring pool, and they frequently leap out of the water.

We walked a hiking trail to the sand boils, an area in a little stream where the springs are very small and bubble up through the sand. It was a lovely walk through the palmettos. On the way back we stopped at the edge of the lake and the fish came swimming up to check us out. People must feed them, because they hung around looking hopeful for ages.

We took another hiking trail that ran along the lake edge. Again, very pretty and a lovely way to spend the afternoon.

Back to our tranquil campsite at Alexander Springs.

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