Sunday 21 January 2018

21 January – Titusville to Orlando

We packed up camp and headed out to Daytona Beach. We thought a nice drive up the coast would be good, before heading to Orlando. The drive up took us through little coastal towns and we took a few detours to see the sea on the way. As we got close to Daytona Beach it became much more built up, condos, shopping malls and multi lane highway. We stopped in for lunch at a supermarket, as we couldn’t find anywhere to pull off the road. That done, we turned south west for Orlando.

We drove past the Daytona Speedway on the way. Its pretty vast!

Into Orlando, and parked up for the next few days at a place on the outskirts called Winter Garden. The RV Park is pretty basic, but it will do. We are planning on going to Universal Studios tomorrow, so looking forward to that.


  1. enjoy yourselves and travel safe, remember that in parts of the deep South the civil war is not over yet. Hope you enjoyed your 13th anniversary.

  2. I flew into Daytona Beach (Spruce Creek Airpark), and a got taken for a drive around the outside of the speedway, would be cool to see a race..
