Sunday 14 January 2018

13 January – Memphis

Still in the freeze. Graceland was still shut. We went for a walk to buy milk and the ice was treacherous, made sense that the warnings said to only drive in an emergency.

The furnace packed it in during the morning, and the RV repair man couldn’t come out as he was snowed in. Luckily we had an electric heater, but it wasn’t keeping up with the cold. We found a spot with working water, and moved to there so we could fill up the tanks. Cold, cold night! 

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the slide out sucked in with just the electric heater when you go to bed might help keep an extra few degrees higher (if the furnace stops), and the gas stove to warm up the "kettle" before bed :-)
    Bet you missed your pellet heater that night!! :-)
