Friday 15 June 2012

10 June – Polson to Agpar (West Glacier)

Set off fairly late from Polson. We made our way to West Glacier. The road up was through the flat valley, alongside Flathead Lake.

There were some pretty log cabins nestled in the trees. We passed a place where they make relocatable log cabins – seems to be big business out here.
The rain continued to fall and the clouds were very low, so we could see little of the mountains. When we arrived at the West Glacier Gates, the ranger confirmed that the Road to the Sun was closed. We were able tp drive up it about 12 miles or so, and it was very pretty despite not being able to see the mountains. We followed a river along, and there were plenty of amazing photo opportunities (waterfalls, beaches, forest etc).

We came back down the mountain and stopped off at Lake McDonald Lodge for a look. It was built in 1912 and was very Ye Olde. Soaring ceilings, moose heads on the wall and a MASSIVE fireplace with a roaring fire and comfy sofas all around.

We reluctantly dragged ourselves away and headed to the local campsite for the night. Cold and wet, so no fire. It was still light at 10.30 at night. 

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