Sunday 24 June 2012

23 June Vancouver Island to Port Angeles

We headed into Victoria and bought tickets for the 3pm ferry to Port Angeles (yes, the Port Angeles from Twilight…). We were allowed to park in the loading lanes because the previous sailing had left, so we had plenty of time to explore the docks area. Victoria is very much like Hobart – docks, restaurants and Victorian style weatherboard houses round the harbour. We had to be back at the RV at 1.30 for the immigration and customs checks.

There was a market going on at the waterfront, and we stopped to watch a female street entertainer and her stand up comedy routine. Steve got roped in to be an assistant with the show – it was very funny. She pulled four guys out of the audience and got them to hold props, hold a big bag that she got changed inside, and finally form a human pyramid for her to stand on to juggle flaming torches. She picked on Steve a lot, but he took it all in very good humour and played along with it. Some of the audience were asking Ros if he was an actor, and didn’t believe that we were innocent tourists! LOL.

After that, we pottered around the markets enjoying the sunshine until it was time to go back for our passport inspection and boarding.

 The trip across was good, a bit choppy, but the boat was very stable. We read books and looked out the window for the 90 minute crossing.
Arriving at Port Angeles and more customs! Then we parked up and did a quick walk along the main street to look at the locations from the Twilight series. We checked out the Lincoln Theatre, where Bella and friends go to the movies, Bella Italia, where Bella and Edward had dinner, and the Department store where Bella and her girlfriends went shopping for prom dresses. It was a bit of fun.

We then checked out an RV park, but it was hideous so we opted to park in the carpark at Safeways (Supermarket) for the night. How bogan are we? We redeemed ourselves slightly by doing some grocery shopping in there first. Wild salmon fillets for dinner. Yum.

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