Sunday 24 June 2012

24 June – Port Angeles to Elma

We were woken in the morning by a crow on the roof of the RV. Tap, Tap, Tap, Craaaaaark. We got on the road around the Olympic Peninsula and headed to Forks (yes, MORE Twilight. Fans should stop reading now as we are about to burst the bubble…). The road wound past some really pretty lakes and through this amazing forest – tall evergreens with moss making green fairy floss on the branches. 

It is very wet here, around 10 feet of rain per year (about 2 metres). They have a very active logging industry, the forest was dotted with felled areas and replanted trees. According to the signs, they harvest each area every 50 years. The sun was shining (very unusually) so no vampires out today J.
Forks was a sleepy logging town (not much around) and milking the Twilight series for every single drop! The brochure we picked up on the ferry outlined the attractions, but some of them were total duds. Bella’s house and the Cullen’s house were not anything like the movie sets, just the owners had stuck up signs saying “Swan Residence” and “Cullens” on the letter box. We did however get a photo of the RV parked in a spot at the hospital “reserved for Dr Cullen”, a pic of the police station and a pic of the Forks High School sign. That was about it from the movie.

Everything else was tacky gift shops with signs like “Alice’s favourite store”. The local cafes were advertising “Bellasagne with Swan salad and EdBread” and “Jacob Java”. We saw deer in someone’s garden.
Undeterred, we went on to La Push beach and it was like the movie (finally). Very spectacular scenery and Steve spotted a bald eagle on a cliff. The beach obviously gets some wild storms, there was masses of driftwood piled up – huge trees – above the high tide line. There were some optimistic surfers paddling about in the 6 inch waves. LOL.

The rest of the peninsular was very pretty. The road followed the coastline round, til we peeled off and headed inland. We are on the leg back to Seattle, and pulled in at Elma for the night. The lovely lady on reception gave us a bag of home baked cookies when we checked in. Sweet.

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