Friday 8 June 2012

7 June – Cody

Woke to a beautiful clear day – not a cloud in the sky, and blue from horizon to horizon. We headed out on foot to the Buffalo Bill Historical Centre – it was huge and combines 5 museums into one complex. 

First we went into the Yellowstone section. That was really interesting, about the history of the area and the animals that live there. The next section was devoted to Buffalo Bill, and was a collection of memorabilia from his life, including things like the stagecoach used in his wild west show. The exhibits were good, and we learned about his early life before he became a showman. He was a bit of a financial disaster though – every time he had any money someone persuaded him to invest in some “too good to be true” scheme and he lost it all. So his fortunes went up and down pretty regularly.

 From there, we went to the Plains Indians section. That was really good. The exhibits were excellent, with life size models of village life, teepees etc. Most of it had interesting narration from Native Americans about the life they remember, or were told of by older tribe members. So it was educational and a fantastic tribute to the old way of life.

 By that time we were getting hungry, so we bypassed the western art section and went to the gun collection. Over 1500 guns on display and 1200 more in the gun library (we didn’t go in – only so many you can look at). The guns were arranged by type and age, from the 1400,s through to modern times. It was interesting seeing the progression of the firing mechanisms through time.
After the Centre, we headed off for a browse around the streets of Cody and had a bite in a Japanese restaurant on Main Street. After that we stopped in at a Saddler because he was doing some leather work in the shop and it looked interesting. Turned out he was making a pair of cowboy boots by hand. It takes him 60 hours to make a pair of boots, and he measures each customer and creates a set of boot lasts (moulds) so the boot is a perfect fit. He charges from $1800 for a pair…
We visited the Irma Hotel – Buffalo Bill’s Hotel named after one of his daughters. The bar is rosewood and very ornate and was apparently given to Buffalo Bill by Queen Victoria.
In the evening we went to the local trifecta – a Chuck Wagon Dinner, a Country and Western Music show and the Cody Night Rodeo. The dinner was pretty basic – beef, chicken, beans and salad. The music was fun – the musicians were very talented. The rodeo was good, but the bucking broncos got Ros stressed out about them hurting themselves. One horse fell in the chute and the cowboys were pretty rough getting him back up. He fell again while bucking, but seemed to be ok after. The barrel racing and children’s calf chase were better – all the kids in the audience were invited down to the arena, and 3 calves were let loose with hankies tied loosely round their tails. The kids had to try and grab a hanky to win a prize. The little calves were ducking and weaving and bowling kids over. The rodeo finished with bull riding and not a single cowboy stayed on a bull for more than about 2 seconds. Go the Bulls! J

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