Wednesday 6 June 2012

3 June – Jackson to Signal Mountain

Leisurely morning, had to do the laundry, so we headed into town about 11am. Even on a Sunday, Jackson is on the go. We walked up and down all the major streets browsing in shops and taking in the sights. Lots of Western Outfitters –we quickly got yee har-ed out! There is only so much check shirt / blingy belt buckle stuff you can look at. They did have a fur company though – mink coats will set you back about $20,000. The town square has four corner arches made of antlers, and there was a stagecoach parked up on the corner. We had a quick diet coke in Million Dollar Cowboy Bar – the bar stools were western saddles, and taxidermy is the decoration of choice.

We headed out on the road to the Grand Teton National Park. We had been given a tip about where to see bison, so we diverted off the highway onto a side road. First we spotted some deer crossing the road, then rounded a corner and there was a big bison herd grazing in the distance. We climbed up on the roof of the RV for a good look and photos. Driving on further, we saw another herd walking down to the river, one crossed the road in front of us and stayed for a few close up pics.

We drove on to Mormon Row – it’s a famous picture spot. Mormon barns and houses in the foreground and the incredible mountains behind. It features on calendars. The view is amazing .The Tetons are just stunning! We took a lot of pics, then another bison herd decided to wander through the car park, scratching themselves on the stop sign as they went. We got heaps of movie footage and good photos. Ros got a fantastic close up of a bison as it ambled past the RV passenger side window and had a good look inside. 

Ros also got some pics of a private jet that flew by and circled – looked like it was going to clip the mountains, then dropped into the valley. We saw 2 private jets today – looks like there is something happening in Jackson.
Driving on, we stopped at the visitor centre for maps and info, then headed through Moose Gate into the actual park. Not far from the gates there were a lot of cars and people taking pictures. There was a moose mum with a little baby on the far bank of a creek, well hidden in the bushes. Ros got some pics of “moose bum”, “moose ears”, “moose shoulders”, but sadly not a complete moose. We did get movie footage of “bushes shaking around as moose chews them from behind” too. We might get some sort of David Attenborough Award for that one….

All the way through the park ,we were marvelling at how beautiful the mountains are. We arrived at Signal Mountain Camp ground – really pretty. Lots of “beware of bears” signs. Parked up, a walk and dinner.

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