Monday 18 June 2012

18 June – Jasper to Kamloops

Headed out of Jasper for the long drive West. On the highway we saw a mum black bear and cub down an embankment and a big grizzly on the side of the road. Because we were travelling at 100ks, by the time Steve pulled up the big bus and backed it up to where he was, he bolted into the bush before Ros could get a photo. So bummed! Steve’s dad says it doesn’t count without photographic evidence! About 10 mins later we saw another black bear.
We headed down the Rockies and into the hills below. 

The forests here are very pretty, a mix of deciduous and evergreen trees, in all different shades of green you can imagine. 

We followed a river all the way to Kamloops, it was in flood and there were massive rapids and we saw a house with the shed and car well flooded with water.
It was Canadian National Bad Drivers Day. We got run off the road by a truck overtaking and running out of room before the oncoming car got to him – no harm done, lucky there was a wide shoulder. Even though the speed limit is 100k, and we were doing 105k, we got overtaken by cars and trucks, mainly on crests and blind corners. It was bizarre – there would be a long straight with good visibility and the following vehicle would sit behind us until the straight ran out, then go!
Into Kamloops – very dry and deserty. They proclaim themselves “the tournament capital of Canada”.  

1 comment:

  1. That is quite a journey. Life is not about the things you accomplish in the end, but the journey that you enjoyed along the way. You have to know this sort of thing when you're trucking kamloops Thank you for the post
