Tuesday 13 October 2015

13 October – Tucson

After a quick shopping trip at Tucson Mall and a visit to the Cheesecake Factory in the morning, we went to the Old Tuscan Studios. Sadly, they were not open, but it was a bit annoying that they were doing a bait and switch. When we arrived the gates were open and one of the buildings had a big sign saying “YES, we are OPEN”. So we put on sunscreen, gathered up all our things, put on hats etc and headed out. When we went in it turned out that the Studio was closed but it was the gift shop that was open. So you can’t tour the studio, but you can buy an overpriced T-Shirt that says you did. True story.

So we spent the rest of the day today at Arizona Sonora Desert Museum. It is a mix of museum, Wildlife Park and botanical gardens. It is very well set out, with a walking trail that led us through the park. We saw mountain lions, a bear, big horned sheep, desert tortoises, and prairie dogs (ALLAN! ALLAN! ALLAN!).

There was a history of Arizona landscape exhibit, gemstones and a cactus garden. Seriously, everything in the cactus garden could kill you. The cactus are named things like Baja Fire and Creeping Devil. There is the rather sweet sounding Teddy Bear Cholla, which looks furry from a distance. Then you get close and realise that…THE SPINES ARE SO CLOSE TOGETHER THEY LOOK LIKE FUR. It’s creepier than a tarantula (they had those too). And snakes, fish and amphibians.

They had a great otter and beaver habitat, with a glass viewing window into the beavers den. One of the beavers was nomming on watermelon, holding it up in his little paws. Cute!

There was a walk in aviary and also a hummingbird habitat. They are tiny, but fly so fast you can’t see them properly, you just hear a buzz as they zip past.

Driving to the RV Park we saw a roadrunner race across the road. They are about the size of our bush hens back home, but with a long tail and sandy coloured.

It’s really hot here. Someone told us that summer can get to 118F which is nearly 48C. Scary hot.

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