Wednesday 21 October 2015

19 October – Roswell to Carlsbad

Ok, so the RV Park wasn’t as great as we thought. Turns out the trains run all night AND they blow their horns nonstop the whole way through town.

We spent a couple of hours in the morning at the Roswell International UFO museum and research centre. Mainly about the infamous Roswell incident, they also had exhibits about abductions, sightings and crop circles.

The Roswell incident was really interesting, and if the exhibits are to be believed, it could certainly leave you considering that it may have happened. They had lots of affidavits from witnesses about the crashed craft and the deceased (and one living) creatures. Seems like there were a lot of people who were involved and then threatened into silence. Deathbed confessions seem to be the go, as witnesses decide to confess before they leave this earth. Aliens? Who knows, but it is certainly interesting to consider.

The rest of the exhibits were a little lame, and a section on alien visits to the ancient world blew its credibility by quoting the work of Erich von Daniken “Chariots of the Gods”. Von Daniken had a chunk of his research devoted to the Easter Island statues and how they had obviously been constructed by aliens, as the Easter Island inhabitants had neither the tools or the know how to carve, move and erect such massive monuments. He was very much disproved by Thor Heyerdahl who visited the island and asked the islanders how it was done. They showed him, by carving and erecting a statue in a matter of months. When he asked them why they hadn’t shared that with von Daniken over the time he was there, they replied “because he never asked us”.

We then went to a museum in one of Roswell’s old homes. Built in 1910, it was beautifully preserved with original furnishings and fittings. Well worth a look.

Roswell was fun, but very tired looking. A lot of shops have UFO themes, but they are all selling the same t-shirts and blow up aliens, and the whole place could use a spruce up and a bit of fresh paint. Pity really, as they could do a lot with the alien theme. They do have alien light globe covers on the street lights.

In the afternoon we set out for Carlsbad and a trip to the Carlsbad Caverns tomorrow. Settling in with a very nice bottle of Pinot Noir from the Russian River Region of Sonoma (the valley next to Napa). Wine is insanely cheap here, it is a bit insulting to find Penfolds in the bottle shops at half what we pay in Australia.

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