Friday 2 October 2015

2 October – Durango to Grants

We left Durango on the Trail of the Ancients, heading south again into New Mexico. As we left the Rockies, we headed down into the deserts of the South West. It was very windy, and the gusts sent tumbleweeds racing across the highway and blew clouds of sandy red dust up.

We drove for most of the day through the Navajo Nation, and passing through Shiprock there was a state fair of some sort setting up. Lots of tents, roadside food vans and stalls and of course, the carnival rides under construction. As we drove out of town there was a large contingent of horse riders (maybe 50) cantering along the roadside with the lead rider carrying a big American Flag. The horses were typical wild west, buckskins, appaloosas, paints and the occasional solid coloured chestnut or bay.

We were slowed down considerably by road works. The sign said that the construction was to cost over $7M.

We saw a roadside chain gang – minus the chains, but wearing ridiculous looking bright orange and white striped jumpsuits.

At Gallup we turned onto Route 66 heading toward Albuquerque. We crossed the continental divide and followed the train lines into Grant. The trains out here are really loooooonnnngggg. We have a nice-ish RV Park, but sadly it’s smack between the highway and the train lines…

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