Sunday 18 October 2015

18 October – Deming to Roswell

We had a long drive today, over 300 miles from Deming to Roswell. On the way we passed the White Sands Missile Base (the missile testing area is enormous). As we were on one of the highways that goes into Mexico, we had to pass through an immigration check point where we had to produce our passports and our visas were checked. There were 8-10 cameras pointed at the van from all different angles – we thought perhaps there were infra-red cameras to check for smuggled people J

We stopped for lunch and a walk at White Sands National Monument- very pretty! The sand is very unusual, it’s made of gypsum and is stark white. The animals that live in the dunes have adapted their colours and many are white or cream. As the Missile testing range encompasses the park it is closed several times a week for testing.

We took a detour off the highway to visit Capitan and the Smokey Bear Historical Park. Smokey Bear was real – he was a little tiny bear cub found during a fire, badly burned and clinging to a tree. He was rescued and nursed back to health and became the mascot for fire prevention. When he died at the ripe old age of 26, he was buried at Capitan.

We also drove through the historic district of Lincoln where Billy the Kid famously escaped from the courthouse while waiting trial.

On to Roswell, where we are camped up at a great RV Park. The owners are very nice and helpful.

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