Thursday 8 October 2015

7 October – Holbrook to Albuquerque

We had a leisurely start this morning and headed out to the Petrified Forest / Painted Desert National Parks. The Petrified Forest was the first stop. During the Triassic Era, 225 Million years ago, Arizona was a rainforest. As the rainforest trees died, they fell into rivers and were swept downstream to form log jams. The trees sank to the bottom as the wood became waterlogged and were buried by layers of sediment. The logs soaked up silica from volcanic ash, which over time crystallized into quartz. Different minerals created different colours, white, orange, brown, purple, pink, green and blue.

We did two walks, the Giant Logs walk and the Crystal Forest walk. Now a dry grassland and desert, it is amazing to walk amongst tree trunks, chunks and shards all made from quartz. The outer layers still look like bark, but the inners are colourful crystals.

 Route 66 also runs through the park, and there is a rusted out 1932 Studebaker sitting on the old road.

The Painted Desert was quite a sight too. The sand and rocks are bright reds and oranges. Very pretty to look at from the many overlooks on the road.

Leaving the Parks we got back on the I40 headed for Albuquerque again for the Balloon Fiesta. We heard about the Fiesta when we arrived, and decided to back track to catch the last few days. The RV Park required a minimum of 3 days booking, so we will check out the Fiesta and also a few other things we missed the first time round.

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