Sunday 1 January 2017

1 January – Fredericksburg

Given that a lot of things were closed for NY today, we chose to spend the morning quietly. Steve changed the tire on the scooter (which also needs a new battery and a tune up), then we headed in to town for the afternoon to stroll up and down the main street, taking in the sights. We particularly enjoyed chocolate tasting at Quintessential Chocolates – the owner was keen to share her knowledge and her favourite chocolates with us. Yum! 

We followed up with a bit of wine tasting at Texas Wine Cellars and our particular favourite, Fat Ass Cellars (think the donkey type of ass). They specialise in fruit flavoured wines and we loved the Granny’s Apple Pie – really does taste like apple pie! There were some shops and art galleries open, so we had a relaxing time drinking coffee and looking around. We took note of the places to see tomorrow when they are open and we are looking forward to an interesting day.

Ros has spent some time de-cluttering the van, tossing out the out of date tins, packets and first aid supplies. Needed doing, and the van is quite a few kilos lighter now!

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