Sunday 1 January 2017

31 December – Hico – Fredericksburg

Heading out of Hico we saw plenty of boarded up houses and shops. Seems like the rural areas are doing it tough. On the highway we kept an eye out for Texas Longhorns and saw quite a few. Seriously BIG horns on them! Hico is the start of the Texas Hill Country, but it is still pretty flat. Lots of carrion birds floating overhead circling around on the thermals. We passed 3 trucks carrying blades for wind farms – huge, and surprising how much flex in in them, even tied down to the trucks.

Most of the ranches out here have big flag out on the roadside – the US and the texas state flags on display. Lots of horses dozing in corrals, brown grass, views for miles, and place names like “Cowhouse Creek” and “Deer Trail Run”. We were overtaken by a pickup truck with hooves sticking out of the tray – don’t know what it was, maybe a deer.

We stopped at an eclectic roadhouse called “DownUnda Trading Post”. The lady was from Coffs Harbour and made Aussie meat pies. Steve tried one and declared it the best pie he’s ever had. They had a small selection of Australian treats, like Violet Crumbles and Fruit Tingles too.

Into Fredericksburg and we found a nice quiet RV park about 3 miles out of town. Parked up and took the scooter into town to look around. Fredericksburg was established by German settlers and has retained much of their influence. Lots of historic buildings, and is the centre of the Texas Wine industry, so lots of wineries. We counted 51 in the local area. They have a town square with a huge Xmas tree and also an animated tree with nativity scenes.

Being NewYears Eve we looked for somewhere for dinner and found a local Wine Bar with live music and decided to come back to it later.

Back to the RV to wash and change for dinner and we got a flat tire about a mile from the RV park. It was a long push! Left the scooter at the park and drove the RV back in, found a back street to park in and we were all good. The Xmas lights at night were really beautiful.

The Wine Bar dinner was great. We had local food – guacamole, chilli bowl (so hot it got Steve’s eyes watering!) and a Crazy Cowboy salad. The wine list was fun, we ended up choosing a white called “My Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” and settled in to listen to the Cowboy band. Everyone was wearing western boots – with jeans, skirts and even little black dresses. We are just getting used to hearing “Y’All” – as in “Y’All ok for drinks here?” 

After the show we headed out to take pics of the lights and hang out in the square soaking up the atmosphere. A great way to end 2016.

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