Saturday 7 January 2017

7 January – Port Isabel – Victoria

The day was still cold and windy, but not cloudy as we hit the road towards Houston. Leaving Port Isabel we did a lap around the town to see the lighthouse, which was scaffolded up and undergoing repair work.

The drive was long and fairly uninteresting. We went through a border security stop where they were pulling everyone over for a K9 inspection. One of the guards had a quick chat with us while the dog handler went over the van and then we were on our way again.

We are parked up at Victoria and tomorrow we head for Houston. Tonights temp is going to be 24 degrees Farenheit –  about minus 5C. Texas temperatures have been interesting – ranging from 25 - 28C to as low as 5 or 6C as a top temp. It seems that the temps are quite warm, then a cold front sweeps through and drops them to freezing for a few days. Bit like Tasmania really.

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