Sunday 8 January 2017

8 January – Victoria – Galveston

We woke up to find it was -5C INSIDE the van. Brrrrrr! Lucky the furnace got things to a more normal temp pretty quickly. We took the coast route from Victoria to Galveston Island, passing fat horses and longhorned cattle eating from big round hay bales, nodding donkeys everywhere – seems like every landowner has sunk an oil well or two – and travelling through seaside towns and over causeways. Lots of refineries and chemical plants too.

We arrived in Galveston mid afternoon and found a great RV Park right on the beach side of the island. Set up with time to spare for a walk on the beach to get pics, and also fit in a quick workout (needed it after spending several days on the road!)

Click the link below to see where I am located.

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