Thursday 12 January 2017

12 January – Galveston - Lake Charles

After we had stocked up on groceries, we said a regretful goodbye to Galveston and headed East towards Louisiana. Galveston is easily on our list of places we would go back to if we have the chance. The winter weather is perfect (in the mid 20s every day with a cooling sea breeze), no tourists, beaches for miles, quaint shops and houses, cheap beachfront RV parks, and world class cuisine. What is there not to love?

Once we got close to the border, we headed off the highway and onto the back country roads that meandered through the bayous and along the bay. We crossed some very impressive bridges, as the Intracoastal Waterway passes through here with lots of big shipping traffic. 

Over one of the bridges and we crossed into Louisiana. 

The scenery changed quite suddenly and we found ourselves driving on a narrow road along the top of an obviously built up bank, with swamps to either side. 

All the buildings are up on stilts, some as high as 2 storeys, so it obviously floods badly and often. Even trailer homes are up on stilts!  We drove for a while along the oceanside and it was clear that the land was only a few feet above sea level. 

Lots of birdlife – herons and some black long necked diving birds about small duck sized. The land around was flat and empty as far as the horizon, with marsh grass and the bayous all we could see. We turned North, away from the sea, as to continue meant a ferry ride and we weren’t sure if they took RVs. Parked up in Lake Charles.

Click the link below to see where I am located.

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