Friday 27 January 2017

26 January – Memphis

Happy Australia Day!

We spent the day getting repairs done on the RV, dropping the scooter in for a service and organising a storage yard. The RV repairer needs to keep the old gal in the shop for a while, to replace the awning and to do some waterproofing on the roof, so we have booked into a hotel and head there on Saturday. 

The RV storage place was interesting. There was a very very long wait (over an hour and a half) while they sorted out customers with only 1 computer working and the guy using it pretty much computer illiterate. The customer in line behind us got very antsy about being made to wait and got a bit vocal about it. He ended up leaving in a big spitty huff. Would have been funny, but part way through his rant he went back to his vehicle and came back wearing a gun holster. Luckily it was just for show. ‘Merica! 

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